Mission Statement Topics

Enrollment Management

Brock Tibert


March 29, 2015

Mission Statement Topics


Below I use Prismatic’s API to tag the mission statements of approximately 500 colleges in the U.S. in order to evaluate the “focus” of each, which I define as the topics extracted from the API. In addition, I also consider the competitive nature of various schools, commonly referred to as the “Competitor Set.”

Out of the gate, I considered more than 1,000 schools for this study…

Quick Side Note

This is intended to be a quick post on playing around with the recently released Prismatic Interest Graph API. I encourage you to take a few minutes to scan the blog post; very cool stuff!

For me, the timing couldn’t be better…

As I am wrapping up the work on this post, I noticed they just enhanced the API to search for related topics. Awesome! I put together a basic R Package prismaticR. Let me know what you think!

I am going to use the API to extract topics…

I encourage you to head over to my Github repo to review my code where all data collect is done within R, no point-and-click necessary! …

The Data

First, a talk about the schools that I am including in this work…

  • The institution is located in the domestic US (and is not a military institution)
  • Public 4-year and Private, 4-year not-for-private degree-granting institutions
  • Enrolled more than 300 first-year students

After getting this list of about 1,000 schools, I crawled each institutions’ College Navigator page to parse out the URL for their mission statement…

To make this analysis possible, I used RNeo4j to put these datasets into a graph, using the data model shown below:


Our dataset has two types of nodes, School and Topic

Explore the Graph

The table below shows 10 rows of data were schools are connected to topics.

school name topic score
100663 University of Alabama at Birmingham Budgets and Budgeting 0.5017
100663 University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, Alabama 0.5091
100663 University of Alabama at Birmingham Higher Education 0.5124
100663 University of Alabama at Birmingham Colleges and Universities 0.5603
100751 The University of Alabama Colleges and Universities 0.6104
100751 The University of Alabama Alabama 0.6066
100751 The University of Alabama Mobile, Alabama 0.5434
100751 The University of Alabama Research 0.5433
100751 The University of Alabama Higher Education 0.5294
100751 The University of Alabama Montgomery, Alabama 0.5261

Graph Picture


Let’s start to ask some questions from the database…


I am still new to Neo4j to solve business problems, but hopefully you found at least some part of this post interesting or helpful…


Brock Tibert © 2021

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