Document your Architecture with Diagrams

This quick post will highlight the python package diagrams, which aims to provide a toolkit for diagrams as code. This is a fantastic toolkit that empowers us to use code to drive documentation.
Data Management

Brock Tibert


August 30, 2021

Document your Architecture with Diagrams

This quick post will highlight the python package diagrams, which aims to provide a toolkit for diagrams as code. This is a fantastic toolkit that empowers us to use code to drive documentation.

This library has a large number of use-cases, but for me, this boils down to technical documentation that can help visualize:

  • Architecture reviews
  • Technical prototypes (e.g. ETL, app stack, data product)
  • ML pipelines

To get started, it’s as easy as

pip install diagrams

N.B. If you are developing locally, you will need to ensure that you have graphviz installed. See link link for more.

With that behind us, let’s use the example from the docs

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB

with Diagram("Web Service", show=False):
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb")

Which will render the following diagram:

Web Service Diagram

Let’s call out a few amazing bits from above:

  1. The code creates an image file that we can use downstream. Above, the resulting file is web_service.png. This may not be obvious at first, but customizable based on your approach.
  2. We can leverage the iconography (i.e. product logo) from a wide range of technologies and cloud providers.
  3. What’s more, you can also control the labels of these nodes in the diagram. I find this to be helpful when prototyping ideas for feature tickets or tech design meetings with devs/engineers.
  4. This is reproducible and removes the need to drag-and-drop updates in GUI tools.

The last item above could be viewed as both a strength and a weakness from a “risk” point-of-view. Using code to build our diagram is reproducible, but does impose a more technical approach when balanced against drag/drop GUI apps.

How about some other examples?

Clusters/Groups of Services

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from import ECS
from import ElastiCache, RDS
from import ELB
from import Route53

with Diagram("Clustered Web Services", show=False):
    dns = Route53("dns")
    lb = ELB("lb")

    with Cluster("Services"):
        svc_group = [ECS("web1"),

    with Cluster("DB Cluster"):
        db_main = RDS("userdb")
        db_main - [RDS("userdb ro")]

    memcached = ElastiCache("memcached")

    dns >> lb >> svc_group
    svc_group >> db_main
    svc_group >> memcached

Clustered Web Services

How cool is that?!?